Wildfire Management Framework of the Free State Province

The purpose of the National Veld and Forest Fire Act 101 of 1998 (NVFFA) is to safeguard communities, the economy and environment from uncontrolled veld, forest and mountain fires throughout the Republic and provides a variety of institutions, methods, and practices for achieving the purpose. Veldfires often become emergencies that threaten life and assets of the community at large and requires collective co-operation to prevent and control under the various conditions that they occur in. Effective management of wildfires requires organisational structure, strategy, plans, information, networks, skills, and equipment that cannot adequately be provided by any one organisation alone and requires an integrated approach. Integrated Wildfire Management (IFM) by nature requires close collaboration and coordination between various role players and stakeholders. Within the Free State province an operational structure has been created to facilitate the effective implementation of IFM in a sustainable, transparent and accountable manner on a local, regional and provincial level.

Downloadable Resources

2061 NVFFA No 101 of 1998 Annexure 1 FS Wildfire Classification Guide Annexure 2 Incident Assessment Reporting Guide Annexure 3 Organogram Management Structure Annexure 4 Tasks and Responsibilaties of FPA structures Updated 3-2-21 Conservation of Agric Resources Act 43 of 1983 Disaster Management Act (57 of 2002)(E-Book) Disaster Management Volunteer Regulations (E-Book) Fire Brigade Services Act (99 of 1987) FPA Functionary Criteria FPA Functionary Criteria FS Provincial Wildfire Management Structure FSUFPA AF GUIDE v 2 May 2019 National Fire Danger Rating Projec2 05092013 (2) Penalties Veld and Forest Fire Act Veld and Forest Fire Ammendment Bill, 2016 White Paper on Fire Services Gazette No 43734 25 September 2020